“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and he is not the same man” – Heraclitus
Lately, I have been meditating on the concept of change. As December begins, so too does the final month of this school year. By now, many of us have developed solid daily routines. We enter the doors of Salesian each day, walk the same familiar path, and settle into our homerooms. Yet, even as these routines feel familiar, we are subtly changing with each passing day.
As the year comes to an end, we will find ourselves lamenting or celebrating bigger changes to come. For some students, this will mean graduation and proceeding to University. This is one of life’s biggest changes and it can feel staggering. It means entirely new routines, new commutes, new friends, and lessons.
However, change is the one constant in life. Time runs only in one direction. It can feel overwhelming! So how do we deal with change? The best strategy is by simply being present. It’s remarkably easy to dwell on what has happened in the past, how we think things should be, or to worry about events yet to come; however, these are things we often have little to no control over.
Those events which happened in the past are complete, immutable. Those events to come are unknown. All we can do is be the best person we can be today, to make good decisions, and to simply allow ourselves to feel the way we need to to get through our day. You will never again be here, today. Tomorrow, today will be yesterday, and the future only exists in concept.
So today, pause. Take three deep breaths. Feel the ground beneath your feet, and remind yourself that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Tomorrow will come, and with it, new possibilities. But today is yours—make the most of it.
You can do it!